
I have just uploaded some improvements to the website. Here is a summary with this list: Switching the site to .NET9 with server performance optimizations at [...]
Publication date: {{ dayjs(1737879437*1000).local().format("L").toString()}}
I've just released a minor update to the agent. When the connection between the server and the DriversCloud agent is cut (either by a server outage, [...]
Publication date: {{ dayjs(1729336792*1000).local().format("L").toString()}}
We are pleased to inform you of recent improvements to our website. Ergonomic redesign: The agent installation dialog box has been optimized, and now features automatic installation. [...]
Publication date: {{ dayjs(1727945378*1000).local().format("L").toString()}}
I've just made a few small corrections to the application and the site to improve the ergonomics of the service. application side: I've replaced the two service control buttons with a [...]
Publication date: {{ dayjs(1712495231*1000).local().format("L").toString()}}
This weekend, I've put a useful new feature online. In the top right-hand corner of the site, in the user menu when you're logged in to your account, a [...]
Publication date: {{ dayjs(1711397425*1000).local().format("L").toString()}}
Last night I released version 12.0.21 of the DriversCloud agent, with the following fixes: Use of Curl for the agent's automatic download tool. It fixes [...]
Publication date: {{ dayjs(1710681783*1000).local().format("L").toString()}}
I've started fixing the most important bugs that have come to my attention. Here's the list: Text corrections on the site and agent. When a detection module crashes, [...]
Publication date: {{ dayjs(1709462178*1000).local().format("L").toString()}}
Problem of interruption of emails sending on DriversCloud Good evening, You probably didn't succeed in validating your account by email. DriversCloud is currently experiencing a service interruption on its emails [...]
Publication date: {{ dayjs(1709234886*1000).local().format("L").toString()}}
I just released version of the DriversCloud Changelog application *passing the project to Visual Studio 2022 for the application and integration on Azure Devops *Passing all [...]
Publication date: {{ dayjs(1674994460*1000).local().format("L").toString()}}
Small corrections at the beginning of this year 2023: On the DriversCloud application ( I added a button to be able to select the totality of the drivers to be saved or restored. At the level of the [...]
Publication date: {{ dayjs(1672592432*1000).local().format("L").toString()}}
I have just released version of the DriversCloud application, which fixes the following issues: Update of the hardware information base Update of the CPUZ engine [...]
Publication date: {{ dayjs(1662480287*1000).local().format("L").toString()}}