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Small improvements to the site
Written by charon
Publication date: {{ dayjs(1737879437*1000).local().format("L").toString()}}
This article is an automatic translation
I've just uploaded a few improvements to the website. Here's a summary with this list:
- Site upgrade to .NET9 with server performance optimizations.
- Correction of date localization on the newsletter. This will be effective from next Sunday.
- In the activity history, red markers were not necessarily displayed in the calendar.
- The biggest part concerns the driver service. When Windows 11 was released, I didn't have enough drivers in my database, so I set up compatibility to release Windows 10 drivers as well. Now, drivers released on a Windows 11 machine are supposed to be compatible only with Windows 11. Note that you can still test a 10 driver on 11 by changing the bone in the menu. In connection with this change, I've had to rework the entire Windows 11 driver base due to an input problem.
I'm still working on improving DriversCloud. I've still got a few good surprises in store for you :)