Tamanho do arquivo
14.46 MB
Windows XP-64
Data Online
Status beta
Status OEM
MD5 do driver
Driver category
Hardware compatível
- HID Non-User Input Data Filter (KB 911895)
- Microsoft Digital Media Keyboard 3000 (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
- Microsoft Digital Media Keyboard 3000 (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
- Microsoft SideWinder X6 Keyboard (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
- Microsoft SideWinder X6 Keyboard (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
- Microsoft USB Comfort Curve Keyboard 2000 (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
- Microsoft USB Comfort Curve Keyboard 2000 (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
- Microsoft USB Digital Media Keyboard (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
- Ver todo o hardware compatível ...
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Detalhes do arquivo INF associado a este driver
Um arquivo INF é um arquivo de texto contendo todas as informações necessárias para instalar um driver, ele contém as seguintes informações, o nome e a localização do driver, a versão do driver e as entradas a serem inseridas no registro. Portanto, o Windows usa esses arquivos para instalar drivers para detectar os dispositivos e componentes instalados em seu sistema, mas também para configurá-los a fim de explorá-los completamente.
Você encontrará abaixo os detalhes do arquivo INF associado a este driver, bem como todo o hardware compatível.
Você encontrará abaixo os detalhes do arquivo INF associado a este driver, bem como todo o hardware compatível.
type64.inf ( {{ dayjs(1226617200*1000).local().format("L").toString() }} - keyboard - WHQL
HID Non-User Input Data Filter (KB 911895)
Microsoft Digital Media Keyboard 3000 (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft Digital Media Keyboard 3000 (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft SideWinder X6 Keyboard (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft SideWinder X6 Keyboard (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft USB Comfort Curve Keyboard 2000 (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft USB Comfort Curve Keyboard 2000 (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft USB Digital Media Keyboard (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft USB Digital Media Keyboard (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft USB Digital Media Pro Keyboard (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft USB Digital Media Pro Keyboard (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft USB Dual Receiver Wireless Mouse (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft USB Internet Keyboard (IntelliType Pro)
Microsoft USB Keyboard with Fingerprint Reader (106/109) (IntelliType Pro)
Microsoft USB Keyboard with Fingerprint Reader (IntelliType Pro)
Microsoft USB Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft USB Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft Wired Keyboard 400 (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft Wired Keyboard 400 (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft Wired Keyboard 600 (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft Wired Keyboard 600 (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Keyboard 7000 (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Keyboard 7000 (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Keyboard 8000 (106/109) (Mouse and Keyboard Center)
Microsoft Wireless Entertainment Keyboard 8000 (Mouse and Keyboard Center)