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Language : english instructions for use

Written by charon
Publication date: 08/27/2016
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12/16 - Generate your signature offers a service to generate a signature to place on forums or e-mail. It is presented as an animated GIF containing the information of the summary page. It is integrated with the summary page configurator described above.


The signature generation service is accessible via the signature link on the right in the service bar. The previous signatures created appear first. It is possible to delete them, edit them or access the code for the integration.


Click on the Generate Signature button to begin.


A window opens asking you to choose the machine for which you want to generate a signature. If you leave the automatic settings box checked, the signature will be automatically generated with the default preferences. This will take you directly to the final step. We uncheck this box in the tutorial to show you the different possibilities of customization.


You must choose a background image for your signature. Only two sizes are available, 450px X 130px and 315px X 91px. You must also select one of these sizes if you choose a custom signature image.

If you want to use your own background image (600kb max) you will go through an intermediate step which will consist in moving a predefined area with the size chosen in the first step.


In the next step you have to choose the area where the text will be displayed on the image.


The next step, the text of the summary page generated from the preferences of the configurator (mentioned earlier) is distributed over different frames. Each frame corresponds to an image of the animated gif. It is possible to edit the text yourself if it does not suit you.


Preferences are available to change the color of the text, its size and the font used to display the text in the signature.


A " plus " button is available to add an additional image to the animated GIF. At the bottom of the dialog box the final rendering of the signature is previewed according to your changes. Click on Validate when you are done.


In the last step you see the final result of the animated GIF. A direct link to the animated GIF is available. But you can also find BBCode or HTML code to embed the signature directly on the forum. Click on the icon to the right of the link to copy the link to the clipboard. Users of the forum can click on your signature, they will arrive directly on the summary page published on the website. A signature generation automatically shares the configuration with the user's preferences.