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Index K Killer Networking KillerPerformanceSuite_3.0.1546-BETA_UWD_x64.exe

KillerPerformanceSuite 3.0.1546-BETA UWD x64.exe

File size
34.06 MB
Killer Networking
Windows 10-64
Online date
Beta status
OEM status
MD5 of the driver
Driver category
Compatible hardware
Each driver is strictly from the official website of the manufacturer
Detail of the INF file associated with this driver
An INF file is a text file containing all the information needed to install a driver, it contains the following information, the name and location of the driver, the version of the driver, and the entries to be inserted in the registry. Therefore, Windows uses these files to install drivers to detect the devices and components installed on your system, but also to configure them in order to exploit them fully.

You will find below the details of the INF file associated with this driver as well as all the compatible hardware.
KillerNetworkBetaComponent.inf (3.0.3974.0) 03/22/2021 - softwarecomponent - WHQL
Killer Networking Beta Software