Nintendo's Switch 2 will be NFC and Wi-Fi 6 compatible

Written by Guillaume
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Expected to be far more powerful than the Switch 1, the Switch 2 console will enhance its big sister's connectivity.

In all likelihood destined to be at least as successful as the first Switch console, the Switch 2 is taking its time showing off all its technical features. Nintendo is clearly in no hurry to unleash all its cartridges, despite the fact that the hardware has undoubtedly been finalized a long time ago: indeed, the latest rumours suggest that the Japanese company is taking its time, not to make last-minute changes, but to let production settle down and be able to offer as many consoles as possible at launch.

Last November, we reported that - good news - Nintendo was seriously consideringbackward compatibility between the Switch 2 and the first Switch. This is obviously excellent news for all owners of the current machine, who will then be able to keep their games on the new machine. Another piece of good news, much more recent this time, is that Nintendo is now planning to launch its machine in the next few weeks: there's talk ofa possible launch in April. However, in the absence of a firm date, we must remain cautious.

Finally, over the past few days, The Verge has revealed some interesting information about some of the options planned for the Switch 2. The Verge has obtained documents filed with the FCC, from which it deduces that the machine will positively evolve the console's connectivity. This is a logical development, given that the Switch was only a Wi-Fi 5 machine, and there will be no question of a major upgrade: we're simply talking about upgrading wireless to the 802.11ax standard, in other words, Wi-Fi 6. Other documents underline the preservation of FCC technology, located in the right Joy-Con, which ensures compatibility with Amiibo figurines. Further proof that Nintendo has no intention of wiping the slate clean with a Switch 2 that will evolve a rather well-established concept.