A Back to the Future-style time paradox: he runs Windows 11 on a Windows XP virtual machine

Written by Guillaume
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Too much free time? Maybe, but it's still fun.

Launched on October 25, 2001, the Windows XP operating system is what you might call an "antique", at least in computing time. As popular as it is, the OS is now a thing of the past, and Microsoft discontinued support for it long ago, on April 8, 2014, which is, despite everything, a very long life for an operating system. Today, Windows is represented on our machines by version 10 - which is losing ground - and, above all, version 11, which is, of course, the one favored by Microsoft.

While Windows XP has more than fallen into disuse, this hasn't stopped a certain WindowsVista64x, a user of the Reddit platform, from having fun with the operating system to the point of generating what Doc Brown from Back to the Future might well call a temporal paradox. WindowsVista64x equipped itself with a Dell Optiplex 7010, which hosts an Intel Core i5-3470 processor and an NVIDIA Quadro K1200 graphics card. He installed Windows XP and added VirtualBox 5.2.44 before setting up a virtual machine and installing the Windows 11 operating system... well, trying to install Windows 11 first.

Windows 11 running, via VirtualBox, on good old Windows XP © Reddit

Indeed, the maneuver was no picnic. As you're no doubt aware, Windows 11 has quite specific hardware requirements, and the absence, for example, of a Trusted Platform Module (TPM) version 2.0 normally makes it impossible to install the system. To achieve its goal, WindowsVista64x was therefore forced to use a "reworked" version of Windows 11, an ISO that is of course not recognized by Microsoft. For the user, however, the important thing was to demonstrate that it's possible to run a brand-new Windows 11 on that old, but sentimentally endearing, hound that is Windows XP. The beauty of the gesture!