Outsourcing: a booming market

Written by charon
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In France, the outsourcing market is synonymous with a dynamic sector. In response to the growing complexity of information systems, outsourcing is attracting companies large and small.

According to a market study by Businesscoot,outsourcing represents a market worth around 1.3 billion euros in France, and over 67% of companies are turning to outsourcing the management of their information systems. Outsourcing is becoming increasingly widespread.

One of the main reasons for this is cost reduction, and it's a perspective that is echoed by both large companies and small and medium-sized enterprises, for whom annual spending on managed services is on the upswing.

The main aim ofoutsourcing is to enable a company to concentrate on its core business, leaving the problem ofoptimizing the management of its information system in the hands of experts.

All or part of the information system

It's important to distinguish between global outsourcing and partial outsourcing. A carefully selected service provider may be in charge of the entire information system and its users, or only certain functions, which will be outsourced.

Managed services are diverse and varied, covering the management of a company's IT infrastructure and business applications. In any case, outsourcing has undergone a profound transformation with the advent of the cloud, erasing dependence on physical hardware.

An evolution already underway for outsourcing is inevitably artificial intelligence, with its potential to automate ever more tasks, if not at least to help raise the general level of efficiency. This includes sensitive areas such as cybersecurity.

Be as precise as possible in your requirements

Before implementing outsourcing, a particularly careful audit of the current state of the information system must be carried out, and a set of specifications drawn up to clearly define requirements. This will make it easier for the service provider to select the most appropriate tools.

Of course, an IT outsourcing provider won't be able to avoid compliance with European regulations, such as the General Data Protection Regulation(GDPR) that is so often in the news.