This time it's for real: Nintendo's Switch 2 will arrive before the end of March

Written by Guillaume
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Nintendo is expected to announce the Switch 2 in the next few days, and to put it on sale from March 28.

The success of the Wii was followed by the relative failure of the WiiU. Nintendo didn't let this stop it, however, and went one better with the Switch, a rather inexpensive, multi-purpose machine capable of generating impressive margins for the Japanese firm. But even the best things come to an end, and the Switch's long career now calls for a replacement. To be perfectly honest, fans have been calling for a Switch 2 more in tune with current technical realities for many months now. While 2024 may not have been the time for such a launch, there's every reason to believe that early 2025 will indeed be the time for Nintendo to release this Switch 2.

For the time being, it's hard to know exactly what to expect from Switch 2.

For several weeks now, rumors have been circulating that Nintendo will be making an announcement in early January. The most recent rumors even mention the date of January 8 for what will be an event as striking as it will be surprising: Nintendo generally prefers to avoid large gatherings and events to announce its own products. If the January 8 date is confirmed, it means that Nintendo will be announcing its Switch 2 right in the middle of CES 2025 in Las Vegas (January 7-10). It will also almost be the occasion to celebrate the anniversary of the first Switch: the console was presented on January 13... 2017. That's already 8 years ago.

Another piece of information, no less important, is that this January 8 date will only concern the announcement of the console, which will actually be available on March 28. An even longer delay between announcement and actual release than for the first Switch (January 13 / March 3). Let's bet that this extra time will allow Nintendo to get its marketing machine up and running, and give it the opportunity to produce enough consoles to avoid any launch shortages. To be continued...