Arrow Lake, Intel's new processor range, arrives at the end of October

Written by Guillaume
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Expected by users and investors alike, Intel can't afford to miss a trick.

Unless you're living in a cave, it's impossible not to have at least heard about the current troubles facing one of the IT industry's heavyweights, the giant Intel. Founded in 1969 - an eternity in this world - Intel recorded its worst financial results ever in the second quarter, and the decision has been taken to lay off 15,000 employees by the end of the calendar year. Perhaps even more serious - except for those laid off, of course - Intel's Board of Directors has drawn up a "rescue" plan to get the company back on its feet: the sale of Altea, one of the Group's latest acquisitions, the shelving of plans for a plant in Germany/Poland and the creation of a semi-autonomous entity for the production department, Intel Foudry.

This tense situation is whetting appetites - Qualcomm, but also ARM, have expressed their interest in a total or partial takeover - but it's not stopping Intel from heading in the right direction: while the Lunar Lake architecture for laptops has just been released, the American company is preparing the launch of its new desktop architecture, Arrow Lake. Officially, things have not yet been completely finalized, but several voices have been raised to confirm a timetable as precise as it is close to us.


Indeed, as VideoCardz summarizes, there is talk of a three-stage presentation. On Monday October 7, Robert Hallock and Roger Chandler will hold a private conference (reserved for the press) around the Arrow Lake processors and the Z890 chipset. Three days later, on Thursday October 10, processors and chipsets will be unveiled to the public, with an opportunity for the press to reveal everything they've learned. Finally, on Thursday, October 24, Arrow Lake processors and motherboards from Intel's partner manufacturers go on sale. It's also on October 24 that journalists will be able to publish their tests... and then we'll learn whether or not Arrow Lake will give Intel a break.