No AMD RDNA 4 graphics cards until early 2025 at best

Written by Guillaume
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A new AMD/NVIDIA duel that will have to wait a few more months.

While NVIDIA is keeping a rather low profile, all the signs are that the first GeForce RTX 5000 series graphics cards - based on Blackwell architecture - should arrive before the end of the year. Rumors point to the release of the GeForce RTX 5080 as early as November, and its big sister, the GeForce RTX 5090, in December. A generation that would therefore be marketed slightly later than the GeForce RTX 4000 series - and even then, we're only talking about two models here: the rest of the range is not expected before 2025.

NVIDIA is expected to occupy the high-end/very high-end segment from the end of this year, but will wait until next year to enter the entry- and mid-range segments. There's every reason to believe that AMD will do the same, since the American firm had already indicated that its next range of graphics cards - based on RDNA 4 architecture - would not target the high-end/very high-end segment, preferring to focus on the " core market " with models targeting energy efficiency before raw performance.

Until now, however, these claims didn't seem to be incompatible with an end-of-year release, as was the case with the first RDNA 3 cards, in December 2022. According to Kepler_L2 on, this will not be the case. Quoted by VideoCardz, the informant explains that only two RDNA 4 GPUs are currently being announced, the Navi 44 and Navi 48. The latter - the more powerful of the two - is not expected to be presented and marketed before CES 2025, i.e. early next year, as the Las Vegas show is scheduled from January 7 to 10. The Navi 44 - not quite as big - will be even later: its release is scheduled for the second quarter of 2025. So don't expect any new AMD graphics cards under the Christmas tree this year.