Windows 12 between "prototype" image and designer's delirium

Written by Guillaume
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The next major version of Windows could be launched before the end of next year. Well, maybe, but it's not certain, although it's possible or conceivable. It depends. You see...

At one time, Microsoft announced that Windows 10 would be the last version of its major operating system. At the time, the company planned to use only updates - some minor, some major - to keep Windows moving forward. Things have changed since then, and Windows 11 has come a long way. The operating system undergoes regular updates, but Microsoft has already started talking about its successor, Windows 12. The latter is still a vast project at Microsoft, but one that is raising a lot of questions.

It has to be said that the publisher is not yet very talkative, and while many rumors have come to support the idea of a vast upheaval, it is still difficult to put one's finger on any particular concept to clearly and precisely describe the new features to come. However, the Neowin site did publish a screenshot that was inadvertently released... last October! It showed some of the features that many rumors have attributed to Windows 12, but since the screenshot was labelled " Next Valley prototype design ", it's both clear that this is the future Windows 12 - codenamed Next Valley - and just as clear that the operating system still has plenty of time to change.

Microsoft has already hinted that Windows 12 will greatly combine the cloud and artificial intelligence, and that it should be stripped of certain elements - MSDT and VBScript - to make it a more secure system. As for the rest, Microsoft is still very vague, although many rumors persist. In fact, a talented designer has taken it upon himself to imagine - on Youtube - his own vision of what Windows 12 could be. Between winks, real rumors and the desires of its creator, the video in question (above) is unlikely to give a real glimpse of Windows 12, but it's still fun to watch.